Friday, September 30, 2011


9/30/2011...Random Foolishness

The last day of September. In a couple of hours it'll be October. The month that has cast a shadow of jealousy on me for years, since I was old enough to understand that no stork was responsible for delivering babies to pre-determined addresses. 29 years and I'm not ashamed to admit that October is bittersweet for me. I love the gradual change in weather. Being on the Riverview watching the muddy Mississippi conduct its business is one of the most calming and enlightening experiences I've ever had. With shorter days and longer nights, I often wonder what offerings will please Ra enough to cast rays of light upon my face for just a little longer. I also find myself yearning to become one with the darkness and consume all that I desire, as guided by Min, while succumbing to death over and over again until Khensu gives way to Ra once again.

I'm not headed anywhere with all of this. There are just random things on my mind that I feel compelled to express as if no one will ever see it. Hmm, I may want to tell my brother to stop calling me Min, although he's done so for the past 20 years. I may point him in the direction of the Egyptian gods but I doubt he'll stop when he discovers who Min is. For him, the name is associated with the little Asian girl from Barney & Friends decades ago...DON'T ASK! I think it's an October baby complex. Which brings me back to the jealousy issue.

I have a very tight knit family on the maternal side. What's interesting is that damn near 50% of them were born in October : my mother, my brother who was born exactly one week before my mother's birthday, my cousin who's closest in age to me was born three days after my mother's birthday, her two sons whose bday's are two weeks apart, and my second closest cousin was born a few days before November. What in the hell is going on 9 months or 40 weeks before October? Is it Valentine's Day? Are folks still cuddling inside and making their own heat due to the frigid outdoor weather? I don't know. But it was enough to stab me in my stomach for so many years. Imagine growing up and having a birthday bash every damn October. How many names can fit on one cake, lol? And then there's lonely old me in July. Born on the cusp of Cancer & Leo on the same day of the month as my mother. I think the universe conspired to give me multiple personalities so I wouldn't be alone. It's just me and my seven year old bully of a cousin who learned how to pimp me & actually frightens me. I'll never let Harris County keep me from his bday party again...the consequences are too much for me! He thinks Texas is in Gentilly some damn where and had the nerve to tell me to bring my sleeping bag and a chocolate chip cookie...he was NOT playing. Thank God for friends who try to make you feel special although their bday is over two months before yours. Who would've thought the TWO MONTHS & ELEVEN DAYS creation would last this long? I didn't but I'm glad as hell it did...TCH!

What's next????? Once again, I'm going to another wedding this comment. Praise Jesus I'll be in the studio on Sunday. I have alot of shit to get off of my chest. If you hear a line or something and think it's about you, it probably is. So I'll take this time to get a few things off my chest in an effort to not spit so much venom on clouds my creativity. And it's the 1st Sunday so neither communion or anointing will be able to save me.

Here we go...y'all already know, NO NAMES!

* Stop asking for the truth if you really don't want it or can't handle it...I'd rather remain silent than lie. We both know my silent treatments can be treacherous.

* I'm so happy you're coming to terms with my lengthy absence. You can stop tossing slick ass comments at me and making me feel guilty as hell. At first, I wasn't feeling your jealousy thing until I remembered how I was ready to go beat a bitch down for fucking with you. So it's a date...AMC Palace 20 Clearview. I'm expecting my NIKES FRESH OUT THE BOX!

* Chill out & just let shit be. You can't force it. The harder you try, the worse it'll get.

* Stop doubting my skills. I really wish you knew me just a little better. You'll join the naysayers soon enough. The silence is music to my ears and a smile on my face. Penelope said "Miss Me With that Foolishness." You should listen to it.

* Crack does kill braincells, "grown ass man." I'm glad you realized you fucked with the right one. It's not my fault you felt checked. See you tomorrow! I hope you still have that hammer in your hand. That's the bitch in you. I've proven I don't need back up...survival of the fittest. Holla at Darwin.

* Cheer up booboo. I know you love him. Despite what you may think, I'm not mad. I think it's sweet!

* I thought I had something to say to you but I don't. I think I've said enough. How can you ask for something that you refuse to give? My only advice is to beware of the "turkey bastin' bitches." You don't have to listen to me. Three Stacks said it best - "These girls are smart. Play your part. PLAY YOUR PART!" With that, Farewell friend.

 This is one of my FAVES...or at least part of it. 

Where is her 2nd verse?

I think it's safe to say that this post was a healthy dose of Marie. Hopefully, the next one will be of substance. There was so much shit going on in N.O. last week, I had to take grams newspaper like doesn't exist. Shit was mind blowing but I refused to focus on any of it. Maybe this weekend will be a smidge better. I'll find something positive so Marie can SHUT THE FRONT DOOR.

Monday, September 19, 2011

They Say It's Wrong. I Say It's Just Write.

Title:                            the shortest poem
                                   i never composed
                                   was filled with holes
                                   but soothed my soul.
                                   the meaning was
                                   diverse for many
                                   priceless to some,
                                   to others not a penny.
                                   with pen under pressure
                                   and pages to fill
                                   the ink erupted
                                   and proceeded to spill...

Poem:                                blue(s).

~Creativity has no boundaries. There are no rules. We are taught terms, formats, and technicalities about what is considered art. Be it a painting, a sculpture, a novel, or a song, we cannot be taught creativity. We cannot control what speaks to us. Creativity is everywhere. It is never seen quite the same through different eyes. That's the beauty of having an idea of creativity in your own mind. I hear a song and begin to cry. I stand in the summer heat on a Mississippi porch and take pictures of a butterfly. I stand in the rain and close my eyes. They simply ask why.~

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Precarious Politikin'

MY, MY, MY...the folks at Lipton, Tazo, Earl Grey, Yogi, Stash, and Traditional Medicinals are REALLY missing me right now. In the day and age where people sue for some of the most ASININE reasons (and win), I have to wonder if I can sue the feds for pain and suffering. Better yet a particular political party...hmmm. It just dawned on me. I am suffering from insomnia, paranoia, severe mental anguish, depression, and physical abuse from being beaten with the STUPID STICK! My cabinets are stocked with tea that I CANNOT drink anymore! It's still raining glass fragments from that "throw it up & smash it" thing. This is a direct contribution to my physical and mental health & wellness. I used to drink a MINIMUM of two cups of tea per day, seriously. Green tea, Black tea, White tea, Chamomile, Lavender, Jasmine, Echinacea, and a slew of others. Now I become so enraged and paralyzed with anger that I can't bring myself to open my pantry and cabinets that my brother SO wonderfully organized when he visited because I have so much damn tea.  Yes, he really did although he may deny it ;-)

So who's to blame? If you weren't hypnotized with the allure and excitement of Monday Night Football, you may have seen the so-called "spirited debate" last night. (*SIDE NOTE - huge props to Michael Vick! Sorry, we do NOT miss you Reggie Bush! WTF is up NFC??? Wake the hell up!) Back to business...tea party, Tea Party, TEA PARTY. Please people, I BEG of you, do not develop tunnel vision while watching ANY of the presidential debates, commercials, and campaigns that we'll be bombarded with in the coming months. I shall not impose my own political views on anyone. Neither will I go on a tirade regarding any of the issues. My goal is to promote individual panoramic comprehensive awareness. We are all concerned about major issues that cross party lines such as unemployment, education, healthcare, taxes, and debt to name a few. Know what your primary concerns are and evaluate which candidate is best aligned with your views and deserves your support.

The same old shenanigans were at it again last night. From this one debate and the reactions of the audience, I can see that PRECARIOUS POLITIKIN' will dominate the election once again.   

You would think that we all recognize the oldest trick in the book, which is, in my opinion, to focus on ONE major issue that will get people riled up and emotionally involved. Past examples include: READ MY LIPS - NO NEW TAXES, Same Sex Marriage, "Cloning" and Stem Cell Research, Abortion, and Disaster Response which is only the tip of the iceberg. A presidency is not dominated by one issue. So how can a presidential campaign be driven by one? Answer:  IT CANNOT. However, it was clear to anyone who watched last night's debate  that they'll be at it again. The last presidential campaign was nothing short of a school yard brawl and mud-slinging contest. Granted, it was historical and ground-breaking, but ugly nonetheless.  I have a feeling that this campaign will put the last one to shame. Simply examining Romney, Perry, and Bachmann was a wake up call that they are attempting to perform the old "wool over the eyes" trick. From bribery to human rights to health care to unjust laws - no one was safe. I actually believe that no one should feel safe at this point. However, focusing on one flaw or smudge on an opponent's record is not grounds to win a nomination and certainly not an election. Many great topics were addressed but it seemed that everyone's concern wasn't to demonstrate their attributes. They were more focused on the opponents' flaws.

I'm all about Women's rights, equality, and proactively being pro-choice. This is not a comprehensive representation of my views across the board. Therefore, I can't jump on the Bachmann Bandwagon simply because she dug into Perry about requiring young girls to get the HPV vaccine. She has to bring much more to the table, which I think she can. Romney seems to have it all figured out. Kudos to him. Perry can I say it.....................supported by Bobby Jindal. Ponzi scheme...enough said.
Of course it wasn't just those three but they stood out the most to me.  

With that said, I'm gon' wrap it up and BEG again. People, hear my plea, do not become a victim of the Precarious Politikin' platform. Know your stance, pay attention to the candidates, and always make an informed decision. This is our lives. I just might be able to enjoy a relaxing cup of chamomile tea soon.

"A politician divides mankind into two classes: tools and enemies." - Nietzsche

"Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained." - Helen Keller

Cute huh?
It's still a damn snake in the grass...