Overcrowded gyms, overflowing bakery treats getting stale, nearly empty shelves on the Fitness and Nutrition aisles in grocery stores, and hearing "OH WELL, I TRIED" before February is not something I'm looking forward to this year. I've been on a mission to end the "NEW YEAR, NEW YOU" yearly plague since early October. I don't have a problem with anyone resolving to make a change to better their lives. However, I do have a problem with the Capitalism and Consumerism merry-go-round from October 1 - January 31 each year. Of course I've been on that ride for many years, usually resolving to lose weight and become healthier. I've fallen into the trap of purchasing gym memberships, nutritional supplements, and exercise equipment many times, only to result in wasted money. I'm sure some will say it's my fault that I didn't stick to my resolution at times. I agree 100%.
I made the decision to take a stand and not be sucked in by the glitz, glam, and even guilt of the billions of marketing dollars at work. The "NEW YEAR, NEW YOU" season is as profitable as holiday shopping for the thousands of advertisements that remind us of our flaws and imperfections. So my stance is simple. There are 365 days to focus on bettering your life, be it health related, your career, or losing a few pounds. Focus on bettering yourself year-round rather than waiting until January 1st and feeling pressured to change your entire life in thirty days.
So to those attempting to play on any of my insecurities and get into my pockets, I say HELL NO! A new year is just that - A NEW YEAR. I don't need a NEW ME. Just a better me, in ways that I see fit, WHEN I choose to begin my journey. JOIN ME!
(*I'M BLOGGING AGAIN! I'm excited to see where my thoughts will take me. I can't believe it's been 18 months. I'm leaving a few of my old posts up for a while to remind myself of where I was mentally on my previous blogging venture.)
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