Saturday, April 21, 2012

Character Assassination: Friday 13th Still Hauntin' Me

It's been over a week and there's something that I just can't shake. I figure if I release it in a different way, I'll be able to keep it pimpin. I'm not VERY superstitious but my Friday 13th started off horribly wrong and stayed that way, courtesy of a misunderstanding that led to my character being assassinated, no MURDERED. It all boiled down to the paranoia & naturally negative thinking of women (or little girls), in my opinion.

Last Friday I decided to be a sweetie pie & call one of the men I love bright & early to say Good Morning, Hey, Hi, & Hello. I suppose I should mention that I saw him about a month ago and didn't have much to say to him, which actually had nothing to do with him or the reason that somehow incorrectly came to be why I had nothing to say. As I proceeded to explain what was going on at the time, I mentioned that there was something I wanted to talk to him about personally but didn't really feel comfortable doing it in front of his girlfriend. Again, this is NOT the reason I didn't say much to him. But unfortunately it seemed to be all he heard.

One thing I've never been accused of is not being direct, unless I explicitly decide it's not worth it. I'm somewhat notoriously known for saying how I feel regardless of the situation. With that said, I was accused of "saying slick shit" toward the gf. Apparently she's told him "so many times that I don't like her." My first thought was literally HUH? AFTER ALL THIS DAMN TIME? REALLY? He then went on to say that he doesn't necessarily agree with her but can see her point because I have been know to "say slick shit." He also believes that she handles it the right way but ignoring it and then told me to consult with someone else for verification of what he was saying. I WAS F*CKING FLOORED.

Here's why...

She and I have been hot & cold since day one. The first night I met her, I had gotten into town really late and hadn't seen him in a while. They happened to be walking to the car as I pulled up. There were introductions. He then told me that he was going to bring her home, which was about 30 minutes away. My response was "Dang you gotta go all the way out there?" From that moment, homegirl swore I didn't like her. He told me how she felt and I assured him that it wasn't the case. I offered to talk to her about it but he forbade me. I chalked it up to her being in high school and possibly a little immature. She also had no idea who I was or what my personality was like, which is somewhat similar to hers - minus the paranoia.

So four years later, the bullshit continues. I literally see this girl a maximum of four times a year and not much is said. I think there may be a negative influence from reality tv or something...maybe sheer delusion. At one point, I would go out of my way to try to talk to her to relieve some of the tension. For a hot sec, it seemed to work. A HOT SEC. At this point, it's hi and bye. Over the years, I've gone so far as asking her if I offended her in any way, to let me know if she felt like I was being rude or negative, and if she would prefer that I don't say anything to her. This was all at different times but I felt like I reached out to the chick more than enough. How much more direct can ya girl be? But somehow I DON'T LIKE HER? I think this is a clear case of transference. She clearly doesn't care for me, which is more than fine. I'm assuming that the shady shit and negative attitude that she's displays when he isn't around has to be justified in some way. So to me, that has to be what happened for him to feel so passionately about it and maintain that I don't like the chick. I've seen him three times in the past year since he's away right now. So he could only be receiving this information from her. I went so far as to consult the recommended source who was equally clueless. There were things mentioned from the VERY beginning but nothing within the past couple of years on my end, especially the visit last month.

It doesn't bother me if homegirl doesn't like me, doesn't have shit to say to me, or doesn't want to be around me. However, I DO have an issue with throwing mentally engineered salt in me & his game. What's the point? What's the end game? I think this type of shit is perpetuated in the media so much that chicks really feel like it's necessary to orchestrate personal shit so there's some type of social value to their lives. Little girls learn in kindergarten that there are evil little bitches that aren't going to like them for various asinine and idiotic reasons. What does mama say? Stick to your shit, chill with your click, and keep moving. There's usually some type of insecurity within these chicks. But this case makes no sense to me at all. What bothers me is that he and I have such a good relationship, that him being upset makes me upset.

We talked about it. He said it's done. So I say it's done.


With that said, I don't dislike anyone. But I will reserve a special place for those who choose to lie and attempt to assassinate my character. My only words at this point, are for young women to PLEASE stop watching so much reality tv and trying to base your life off those shows. Kudos on the assassination attempt. Great aim. Straight to the vest. BULLETPROOF.